Renee Mcgregor

Our expert

Renee McGregor

Nutrition Lead

BSc (hons) PGDIP (DIET) PGCERT(sportsnutr) RD BASES

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About Renee McGregor

Renee McGregor is a renowned sports dietitian with over two decades of experience in both clinical and performance nutrition. She is a leading specialist in eating disorders, RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport), and female athlete health, having worked with athletes across the globe, including Olympic, Paralympic, and Commonwealth teams.

Renee’s expertise extends to supporting high-performing athletes struggling with dysfunctional eating patterns that hinder their performance and well-being. She is the director of the first clinic in the UK dedicated to helping individuals with RED-S and eating disorders in sport regain balance and return to their chosen sport.

Beyond her clinical practice, Renee is a passionate advocate for athlete health and empowerment. She has made numerous appearances at high-profile events, including Google Talks, Cheltenham Literature Festival, BBC Newsnight, and the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Her expertise has also been featured in the BBC documentary “Living with Bulimia” with Freddie Flintoff.

Renee is a passionate runner and an avid supporter of female athletes in endurance and aesthetic sports. She is the author of the book “Nourishing the Female Athlete,” which provides guidance on fuelling performance and promoting overall health and well-being.

Publications & Research

  • Fast Fuel: Food for Triathlon Success (Published by Nourish Books)

  • Fast Fuel: Food for Running Success (Published by Nourish Books)

  • Training Food: Get the Fuel You Need to Achieve Your Goals (Published by Nourish Books)

  • Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Goes Bad (Published by Nourish Books)